Hear ye, Hear Ye! Today I present A.D.D induced blogging. Actually I just lied; I've been A.D.D. blogging since the age of 5, with sidewalk chalk.
In an effort to keep my newly restored Karma I've decided to begin a section in which I rant/release all the bundled emotions that reside inside. The catch is, once I blog about it, that's it. No more unnecessarily fuming over it or running over peoples cell phones. -- Not that I ever would do such a thing.**looks both ways**
Friday Fragments//Jumuah Jottings #1
My OCD really has been getting the best of me. Since my room is always clean I've started intentionally messing it up and then leaving only to return 4-7 mins later, look really confused about 'how on earth I let myself live like this' just so that I have something to clean. My brother said it makes me sound crazy but, men like crazy chicks if it involves cleaning. Then he called my "domesticated."

I'm going home this weekend to visit Ms. Jo's new born. He's all too precious. Not that I still believe in cooties but, I kinda feel dirty considering that I actually know where newborns come from--and it ain't the stork, kiddos. My sister asked "What baby-makin song" I thought he was conceived to.

Our campus MSA is putting together a movie night. Don't ask why the on campus religious organization is organizing a screening for Hell Boy. I personally fail to see the significance. I asked "why were watching said movie as an MSA event?" I was told "So that the boys and the girls can feel more comfortable with each other in the dark." The person wasn't kidding.
My unnecessarily hot physics lab instructor favors me. I think it's because he knows I have morals and would never do anything with him. Sometimes, I create awkward scenarios just to see how he responds.

Me:"how many kids do you want?"
Him: "How ever many my wife feels comfortable having."
Me: "Cute but, I need a quantifiable amount!"
Him:" a lot."
Me: "Define a lot, because I'm Muslim so 'a lot' might mean you have to start driving a taxi as a side gig."
Him: "Umm, enough so that when I retire they can all take care of me...and I could use the taxi for another reason."
Me: "Oh."
I'm done asking questions for a while.
I've started documenting the ridiculous things I over hear throughout the week. Here are my top 4
1." Yeah, but, last time she totally smelt like sex" -- overheard 5th graders from the elementary school hallway--about the librarian.
2."She didn't know it but, we just got married in my head." -- My almost-not-so boss- boss about the first time he met me.
3."Woah, Devyn uses lots of words"-- about a Real World Brooklyn cast member who talks too much and thinks too little.
4."Some people have i-Pods. I just have my g/f's i-Rack"-- Some East coast business major on his phone discussing his "favorite things" while on the bus
My mom called me fat. It hurt more than I thought it would. I considered being anorexic. Then, I got hungry and ate.
I've had me braces for 6 years. I think God's punishing me. I lied to my grandma about not eating the peppermints that one time.

Coincide? I think not.
If you're interested in joining in on Friday fragments or Jummuah Jottings simply head over to Half past kissin' time
**Jumuah is the Arabic word for Friday. :)
I love unnecessarily hot physics lab instructors.
I love this idea of Jummah jottings... weridly enough i ran into my old physics teacher the other day though hes not hot:P
hahahaha...OMG...you TOTALLY cracked me up with the hot physics professor. You are a riot! =D
When my brother calls me domesticated it agitates my soul. Do I look like a pussy...cat? <---this made me chuckle too. I need to be more like and just blog about how/what I feel, leave it, and move on.
Love ya!
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!
Thanks for the shout it!
You're right-it is really fun reading other ppl's random thoughts!
Loll. You're so funnyy!Thanks for making me laugh, this was really fun to read loool. Hell Boy at the MSA, akwaardddddddd!lol
HAHAHAH hands down top 5 best posts I've read all day.
the clean freak in you sounds like Monica from friends when she left the shoe out and couldn't fall asleep lol
oh and when i clicked on the link, it didnt work.
lol at the MSA shadiness.
anddd i like this " ridiculous things i overhear" thing you started :D
Please please taech me to be OCD Clean!!! PLEASE cause I'm the exact opposite. You would freak in my house ;) Herm, maybe I better keep you under wraps cause if my neatfreak hubby finds you oh man....
Lmao anorexic... yeah never could either...
Lol who exactly did you overhear about the sex smelling librarian? A kid or an adult?!?!
LMAO @ your teacher :p
MORE COMFY IN THE DARK 0_0 erm.. hmm someone needs to teach someone over at the MSA about the birds and the bees.
Oh gosh girl you got me cracking up from start to finish! even when i read it again. Barry white... oh man... I never played barry white and I have 2 kids ;) Here's to thinking about it for #3 someday lol.
Errant Gosling- I think I love them more than you, I can ogle through my goggles. lol
Mina- Glad you love the idea, start one on your blog!
Paris- totally go for it dollface. I wish you could meet him (the lab instructor) but, you can't so just imagine his beauty.
Yaya- You totally inspired me. You're welcome!
Hijabee- Just be glad you haven't partaken in one of other colorful MSA 'activities'
Cheryl- glad you approve. NOW my life is complete.
MarjNHomer- Which link didn't work? Lemme know and I can fix that. Sometimes shoes indeed keep me up at night.
CA- Welcome to my life.
MuslimahWriter-LOL! And what makes you think your hubby would so eagerly sacrifice you and for me @ that!? ;)
It was a set of boys lol, and I'll keep the tunes in mind.
love your blog!
I want braces and six years is a long time!
start driving a taxi.. lol
I LOVE real world Brooklyn!!!!my fav guy has to be Chet, oh and i love Ryan (the vet :D )
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