
Sunday Snippets #8: Faith Is Best Viewed In The Dark

"Wherever you go, I'm calling, even when we're falling apart."

One night a friend texted me to me open my window and watch the stars. Eager to correct him, I asked, "watch the stars or look at the stars?" He confidently texted back, "watch." Forever, I was confused as to how anyone could watch an object not living, not in motion. You watch TV, you watch the clouds roll by in an airplane. You don't watch the stars. Why would I watch for something that will be there always? Today however it occurred to me that stars although visibly not in motion, are moving. They won't always be there. Just because something isn't in your face, jumping up and down doesn't mean they are even less worthy of being watched. Even if we aren’t part of it, everyday is the start of something beautiful.Stars are silent beauties, shining into the darkness. Really, he's kind of my star. He shines when I feel down, dark, troubled.

You told me about the stars but, I thought of their shine. I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.


MarjnHomer said...

to watch the stars is something to ponder and actually do. inshallah i will remember to watch the stars next time i'm out...

z-dizzle said...

lets watch the stars over break! and discuss our being in a universe so large :)

Anonymous said...

I wish my life was as fairtaleish as yours.